Using "Best Case" and "Worst Case" Scenarios
Hey, Men, can we stop saying this stuff to each other?
How do you eat an elephant? No, not literally...
The way you feel is never wrong.
Using the power of "Yes...and."
Don't worry about the problem - focus on the solution.
A little gratitude can change your attitude. #MENtalHealthMonday
Normalizing Mental Health Days
In all the chaos, don't forget about yourself.
Are you struggling to be happier? Here's some 100% free advice.
If you FEEL something SAY something.
Positive Self Talk 101
6 Mental Health Tips for the MEN in your life
Raising Mental Health Awareness with BEER? Yup.
Go easy on yourself. Really. #MENtalHealthMonday
How did you sleep last night? 💤 Naps Are Magic.
Meditation - Don't overthink it.
Just move. Exercise your body. Exercise your brain.
#MENtalHealth - Why do we downplay everything?
Are you complaining - or are you venting - there IS a difference!