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If you FEEL something SAY something.

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

You know the saying, often seen at airport security areas - if you see something suspicious - report it. They do this intentionally and subtly so that if you DO see something , you remember and speak up. Why don't we do this in our own minds when we see signs?

Too often we (mostly men) like to think we can fix things on our own, but most of the time - that's just not the case. If you FEEL something, make sure you SAY something to get those feelings out in the open rather than letting them sit inside.

We can't expect our friends and family to read our minds, if we don't say something - we're just making matters worse for ourselves.

All of this came to me while traveling at an airport. It all comes together in this mini podcast episode for #MENtalHealthMonday


If you feel like you've got a lot of stuff going on mentally, and just want some help sorting it out - maybe Mental Health Life Coaching could be a great way to get your emotions in order. Scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up for the email list. I'll let you know when we get up and rolling.

Make good life decisions.

Talk soon,


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